
Vitamins and Supplements: Some Things to Consider

  At Wellspring, we offer a variety of supplements and vitamins to help our patients nourish their bodies. These supplements and vitamins can be a great option if you need a boost to your diet! In this article we'll list and discuss some common vitamins and supplements that you can take, but make sure to consult your doctor at Wellspring before starting any new vitamin or supplement! Vitamin D Vitamin D is one of the most common vitamins that you'll see people take. This is due to the fantastic and wide array of benefits that Vitamin D can bring. Some common reasons that people take Vitamin D are to increase bone health and help improve the liver. You can actually get this vitamin from sunshine, but those that lack this vitamin can get it in an easy to take supplement! Omega 3 and Fish Oil Another vitamin that you've likely seen before is fish oil! But have you ever considered the benefits of taking this different smelling vitamin. Omega 3 is touted as being able to help ...

Popular Misconceptions About Compounding Pharmacies: Debunked

    At Wellspring Pharmacy we are very aware that not everyone knows what we do. There are a lot of rumors and myths that go around about Compounding Pharmacies, and we are here to tell you the facts behind some of these popular misconceptions. Misconception #1: Pharmaceutical compounding is not legal.  - Pharmaceutical compounding is VERY legal and is practiced by licensed pharmacists who work in licensed and registered pharmacies in line with regulations from their State Board of Pharmacy. The pharmacies must follow strict rules and regulations for the kinds of medicines and medical ingredients they are using.  Misconception #2: Compounding pharmacies are not regulated. -  The fact is that compounding pharmacies are heavily regulated just like a normal pharmacy would be. They are regulated by the State Boards of Pharmacy and the FDA steps in when they need to. The new model for compounding pharmacies 503B, also called the outsourcing facility, is regulated by...

Tips to Maintain your Mental Health this Summer

      Summertime is usually the time of year when everything starts to slow down. The kids are out of school, the days are longer, and there is no worry about a strict schedule. To most people this seems like a dream come true, but to others who struggle with illnesses like anxiety and depression, they can find that having the pressure to live a "care-free" lifestyle during the summer causes them more anxiety. At Wellspring Custom Pharmacy we want all of our customers to live the most comfortable and healthy life they can. That is why we are going to provide you with some tips to help you maintain good mental health throughout the summer.       One of the best things you can do for yourself this summer is to get outside. Exposure to natural sunlight is very beneficial to your mood. This is because we receive vitamin D and serotonin from the sun's rays. Taking the time to step outside just to sit in the sun or read a book by the pool can brighten your mood...

Is a Custom Compounding Pharmacy Right for Me?

  When selecting a pharmacy and medication options, it can be difficult to know which is right for you. What many people don't know is that there are custom compounding pharmacies like Wellspring available! You may be asking, though, what are these types of pharmacies? Who works there? What do they do? And is it right for me? Read on to see why compounding is right for you! What is Compounding? Many of us have never heard of compounding before. So what is it exactly ? Compounding is the process of creating custom medications that aren't readily available on a mass scale. Compounding is needed because most people have unique needs, so a custom medication is better suited to help instead of a generic type. Am I Still Working With a Real Pharmacist? Of course! compounding pharmacy is a centuries old, well-regulated practice! Compounding pharmacists are just like a regular pharmacist, but act to ensure that your unique needs are met! Some may worry that compounding pharmacists are...

Natural Remedies to Help Cure Sleepless Nights

       If you have ever experienced that "slap-happy" feeling, or can't remember little events that happened when you were running on little sleep, then you will understand what kind of affects you will feel from not getting enough of it. Not only does getting enough shut eye help you feel sane, it  is one of the most important aspects of our health. Sleep helps your body and brain function properly, and has been linked to a lower risk of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. It also can improve your learning, memory, decision-making, and can even benefit your creativity. And while all of this is true, there are a staggering amount of people who do not get enough sleep daily. Maybe it's because of work, or you were up too late watching tv, or playing games. Either way people aren't getting the sleep they need, and we need to fix that. At Wellspring Custom Pharmacy , we want to see all of our customers live a happy and healthy life. That is why...

Summer Fatigue is Real and Here's How to Deal with It

     Summertime is a great time to be outside, enjoying the outdoors with your family and friends, and because of this, no one is paying attention to how much they eat or if they are drinking enough water. After all we are usually on the go with all of the activities we partake in during the warmer months. Even though we may not realize it at the time, we are wearing out our bodies. You may start to ask yourself, "why am I feeling so tired, or worn out?" Don't stress though, you are not the only one who feels this. Many people experience "summer fatigue", here are some reasons as to why this happens and some tips to help you avoid it and enjoy your summer to the fullest extent.      There are a few reasons why during the summer we may feel more tired than usual like not taking in enough water during the day, excessive sweating which can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, and a change in your diet. Most times when it gets warmer out people tend t...

Essential Vitamins for the Summer

      Often times when summer rolls around we find ourselves out in the sun more, hanging out with friends and family, and doing a lot more than what we normally would. That is why taking care of yourself so you can enjoy the beautiful weather is important. One of the best ways to make sure you are doing that is by getting all of your daily nutrients, either through a balanced diet, or by taking minerals and vitamins for summer. Wellspring Pharmacy is Mansfield, Ohio, is dedicated to the wellbeing of our customers, and because of this we have decided to list a few vitamins that you can take in order to stay healthy all summer long.      The first vitamin that you can take is Vitamin C . This is an antioxidant found in everything from oranges to leafy greens. It plays a large role in collagen production, neurotransmitter function, and your overall immune health. Normally you would take Vitamin C in the colder months as you might have a cold or the flu, but ...