Popular Misconceptions About Compounding Pharmacies: Debunked
At Wellspring Pharmacy we are very aware that not everyone knows what we do. There are a lot of rumors and myths that go around about Compounding Pharmacies, and we are here to tell you the facts behind some of these popular misconceptions. Misconception #1: Pharmaceutical compounding is not legal. - Pharmaceutical compounding is VERY legal and is practiced by licensed pharmacists who work in licensed and registered pharmacies in line with regulations from their State Board of Pharmacy. The pharmacies must follow strict rules and regulations for the kinds of medicines and medical ingredients they are using. Misconception #2: Compounding pharmacies are not regulated. - The fact is that compounding pharmacies are heavily regulated just like a normal pharmacy would be. They are regulated by the State Boards of Pharmacy and the FDA steps in when they need to. The new model for compounding pharmacies 503B, also called the outsourcing facility, is regulated by...