Coping with Seasonal Affective Disorder

 As the days get shorter, temperatures get shorter and the weather gets harsher, many people can find themselves not feeling the same as they do during the warmer months and this may be attributed to Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. SAD is a type of depression that usually affects a person at the same time each year and people that have it, many of who are not aware that they do, report feeling sad or grumpy, have a loss of interest in normal hobbies, weight gain or sleeping more than usual. Luckily, SAD is treatable and there are even some supplements that can help you deal with the gloominess of the winter season! 

5-HTP: This nutritional supplement is derived from an African bean and helps to increase the body's natural serotonin levels. By supplementing with 5-HTP you can help your body with its ability to create serotonin in the brain, which is known to trigger depression when the levels are too low. 

Tyrosine: Tyrosine is a natural antidepressant that also helps fuel the brain to create other natural antidepressants. This supplement helps with an overall sense of well-being by promoting pleasure-inducing chemicals in the body.  

Melatonin: This supplement is commonly used as a sleep aid and can help regulate your sleep cycles. In darker times of the year, melatonin production can be disrupted which leads to issues with sleep and tiredness during the day affecting your overall mood and happiness.

 SAM-e: This chemical is a methyl donor that is present in many bodily functions, including providing support for neurological processes. SAM-e is also thought to help promote, along other methyl donors, the production of serotonin in the brain. 

St. Johns Wort: St. Johns Wort is known for its mood balancing and supportive effects on mental and emotional function. This perennial extract has been used for thousands of years, but has recently seen a burst in popularity around the world. 

Keep these supplements in mind if you find yourself or a loved one suffering from SAD this winter. Visit Wellspring Custom Pharmacy to see how we can fulfill your supplement and vitamins needs here!  


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