Compounding Sports Medicine
Athletes who are facing an injury want to heal as fast, but as well, as they can. Compounding medications they need for their diagnosis can help them do just that. Using a customized medication will give you a safe yet effective way to get back to your active lifestyle. It’s important to understand what a compounding pharmacy does for starters. Compounding pharmacists prepare medications customized to an individual’s needs verses the standard drug formula. They are able to change things like dosage amounts, ingredients, and even how the medication is delivered. Combinations of medications can also be created which is beneficial to a patient who might need multiple medications for their injury. Those multiple prescriptions can be compounded into one convenient dosage. One of the most common reason for someone with a sport injury to use a compound version of their medication is they can be tailored to fit your body. Most of the time athletes are more lean, meaning more musc...